Web Services and standard web protocols
Web services gain more popularity from last few years in developers and companies. So there are good reasons to understand internals of Web Services.
How to create and use a Web Service in ASP.NET Visual Studio 2010
Web services gain more popularity from last few years in developers and companies. So there are good reasons to understand internals of Web Services.
What are Web Services?
Web Service is an application
designed to directly interact with other applications all over the world
on internet. It describes a standardized way of integrating web based
applications. Web services allow different applications from different
sources to communicate with each other.
Web Services provides an important
way for business to communicate with clients and with each other. It
provides business logic processes and data through a programmatic
interface instead of any traditional user interface. User interface is
then added to this application interface to provide specific
functionality to users. The basic purpose of Web Service is to provide
some functionality from the owner to its clients so that they can use
Web Services publish their methods to
the world and these methods, when invoked, perform some actions and
provide some data in result. Web services sometimes called Application
Independent of Operating System and Language
Web Services are XML based
applications that use XML to communicate with other applications so Web
Services are independent of Operating System and Programming Language.
An application using a Web Service is not concerned about the operating
system or programming language of that Web Service as all communication
is in XML. For example, A Web Service created in Java can be used by an
application created in Visual Basic or Windows application can be
called by a UNIX application.
Web Services Protocols
Web services use XML based web protocols that include HTTP, XML,
SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. XML is used to tag the data, SOAP is used to
transfer data, WSDL is used to describe available Web Services and UDDI
is used to list the available Web Services.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the standardized protocol of
communication on the internet by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It
is responsible for requesting and transmitting data over the internet.
It provides safe recognition of network web server and encrypted
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the markup language that is
designed to transport and store data in a format that is readable by
both human and machine. It enables the transmission, validation and
interpretation of data between applications. . XML is used to tag,
format and display the data. It allows developers to create their own
customized tags. It mainly designed for documents but it is extensively
used in Web Services. It is the most common markup language in which the
information is written.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is the XML based protocol to
transfer the data in Web Services. It is the language and platform
independent protocol that allows applications in Web Services to
communicate via standard internet HTTP. It is the center piece of Web
Services and complements all other protocols (XML, WSDL and UDDI). In a
simple way, we can say that SOAP is the way in which web services method
calls are translate into XML format and sent via HTTP and it allows
applications to exchange information over HTTP. SOAP is standardized and
recommended by W3C.
Web Services Description language (WSDL) is a standard format to
describe and locate web services. It is the XML based language that UDDI
uses for Web Services. Every client application that is connected to
Web Service can read the WSDL to determine what functions are available
on the Web Service. Any special data types are embedded in the WSDL. URL
from which Web Service methods can be accessed and communication
protocols used by web services are also in the WSDL file. So it contains
every detail to allow users to build client applications to use Web
Services. WSDL is the W3C recommendation.
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is the web
based directory or registry for listing web services. It enables
businesses to list themselves on the internet and discover each other.
It allows clients to find Web Services to use them. It is a public
library where we can publish Web Services and inquire about Web
Services. UDDI includes several ways to find Web Services that client
needs to built their application.
UDDI registry manages information about service providers and
service implementations. Service providers can use UDDI to publicize web
services they offer and service clients can use UDDI to discover Web
Services according to their requirements. UDDI is based on XML and SOAP
Criticism on Web Services
Web services are often criticized because of security issues. It is
the application to application interaction instead of human-application
interaction. Issues like authentication, privacy and data integrity are
main concerns when using Web Services. Another criticism on Web
Services is the complexity in Web Services.
Benefits of Web Services
Although there are some criticisms on Web services but benefits of
Web Services have overpowered these criticisms. The communication
between applications is easier with Web Services. Information
distribution to different clients and consumers is relatively simple
task for companies. Web services can be reused when needed and from the
past few years there is rapid development in Web Services.
SOAP is a standard for exchanging XML-based messages over a computer network, normally using HTTP.
Purpose of using SOAP:
many Web services, you need only a combination of XML, HTTP, and an
application-specific message protocol. To be sure, SOAP has its uses.
But, in my opinion, SOAP’s role is overstated in the early stages of a
Web service’s development. Using SOAP for the wrong tasks can easily
hijack a Web service development project, because SOAP introduces a
large set of problems that are orthogonal to the challenges of building a
Web service. SOAP-related issues tend to consume the majority of the
development effort.
most common purpose of Web services today is to exchange XML data. For
instance, more than 200 Web services listed on XMethods share that
purpose. The classic examples of a stock quote service, weather service,
or postal code lookup service are all about sending an XML query
message, and receiving an XML reply. That pattern dominates more complex
Web services as well: the UDDI registry service or the Liberty Alliance
single sign-on and identity federation Web services are all defined in
terms of XML-based query-response message exchanges.
best, SOAP introduces a level of indirection to such XML message
exchanges by embedding an XML message in a SOAP envelope. Since the SOAP
envelope can carry metadata about the original XML message, such as
processing instructions, the envelope can aid a Web service in
processing that message. At worst, SOAP makes it difficult, if not
impossible, to verify the validity of an XML message traversing between
two Web services.
is an example of how a client might format a SOAP message requesting
product information from a fictional warehouse web service. The client
needs to know which product corresponds with the ID DEVASP123:
What is Web Service?
Web Service is an application that is designed to interact with other applications on the internet. Web Services allow a server to expose its functionality that clients can utilize. Web services can publish their methods or messages to the world and these methods, when invoked, perform some action and return some data or result.
Use Web Service
A web Service created in any ASP.NET language can be consumed in application written in any other ASP.NET language.
How to bind data to Web Service and use this Web Service in ASP.NET
Web Services are created to bind data because these are used by consumers to work with data. You can see articles on DevASP.NET about Web Services. In this article, I will show you simple example of data binding to web service. This data binding procedure can be complex but this example is just for learning purposes.
Web Service is an application that is designed to interact with other applications on the internet. Web Services allow a server to expose its functionality that clients can utilize. Web services can publish their methods or messages to the world and these methods, when invoked, perform some action and return some data or result.
Web services allow different
applications from different sources to communicate with each other. As
all communication in a web service is in XML so it is independent of
language, platform and protocol.
Create a Web Service
To create a web service in visual studio 2010, follow these steps:
- Open New Project
- Select .NET Framework 3.5
- Select ASP.NET Web Service Application in web either in Visual C# or in Visual Basic
- A HelloWorld web method is already in the Service1 class. Write another web method in class Service1 as below
[WebMethod]public int AddNumbers(int firstNum, int secondNum) {int thirdnum = firstNum + secondNum;return thirdnum;}VB.NET
<WebMethod()> _Public Function AddNumbers(ByVal firstNum As Integer, ByVal secondNum As Integer) As IntegerDim thirdnum As Integer = firstNum + secondNumReturn thirdnumEnd Function
- See web service in browser and copy the URL to add reference of the service when you have to use the service. Select Web Method to see result in XML.
Use Web Service
When a web service is created the next step is to use this service. It is also called consuming the Web Service.
To use a web service, follow these steps in visual studio 2010:
- Open New Web Site
- Select .NET Framework 3.5
- Create an ASP.NET Empty Website either in Visual Basic or Visual C#
- Right click on the Website in Solution Explorer
- Select Add Service Reference
- Select Advanced option in Add Service Reference window
- Select Add Web Reference in Service Reference Settings
- Enter the copied URL in Add Web Reference window
- Change the Web reference name and click Add Reference
- Import namespace for the Web Service
using WebServiceTest;VB.NET
Imports WebServiceTest
- Now drag and drop two labels in aspx page and write below code
in Page_Load method of code behind file. Create the instance of the
Service1 class and call the method of that class.
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
- Write below code in Page_Load method of code behind file. Create
the instance of the Service1 class and call the method of that class.
Service1 service = new Service1();
Label1.Text = service.HelloWorld();
int num = service.AddNumbers(3, 4);
Label2.Text = "The result is: " + num.ToString();
Dim service As New Service1()
Label1.Text = service.HelloWorld()
Dim num As Integer = service.AddNumbers(3, 4)
Label2.Text = "The result is: " & num.ToString()
- View website in browser, you will see the result of both web methods of Web Service
How to bind data to Web Service and use this Web Service in ASP.NET
Web Services are created to bind data because these are used by consumers to work with data. You can see articles on DevASP.NET about Web Services. In this article, I will show you simple example of data binding to web service. This data binding procedure can be complex but this example is just for learning purposes.
Follow below steps to create a web service and bind data to it.
- Create New Web Site in Visual Studio 2010
- Select .NET Framework 3.5
- Select ASP.NET Web Service either in Visual C# or in Visual Basic
- Add a Class and rename it as ProductsClass
- Import namespaces in ProductsCass
using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;VB.NET
Imports System.DataImports System.Data.SqlClient -
Write below function in ProductsClass to get dataC#public static DataSet ProductsData() {string sqlQuery = "Select * From Products";string connString = "Data Source=Local;Initial Catalog=NORTHWND;Integrated Security=True";SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString);SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection);SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command);DataSet ds = new DataSet();da.Fill(ds);return ds;}VB.NET
Public Shared Function ProductsData() As DataSetDim sqlQuery As String = "Select * From Products"Dim connString As String = "Data Source=Local;Initial Catalog=NORTHWND;Integrated Security=True"Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connString)Dim command As New SqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection)Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(command)Dim ds As New DataSet()da.Fill(ds)Return dsEnd FunctionAs you can see I have used Products table of NORTHWIND database. This function returns DataSet. I have written a query and set connection to my Server. Then I have created a SqlCommand object by passing query and connection as parameters. Then I have created a SqlDataAdapter object, a DataSet object and fill DataSet object with SqlDataAdapter object.
- Open Service.cs file and import namespace
using System.Data;VB.NET
Imports System.Data -
Now write below function in Service.cs fileC#[WebMethod]public DataSet GetProducts() {DataSet ds = ProductsClass.ProductsData();return ds;}VB.NET<WebMethod()> _Public Function GetProducts() As DataSetDim ds As DataSet = ProductsClass.ProductsData()Return dsEnd FunctionThis function in our Web Service code file returns DataSet. I have created a DataSet object and assigned the data of ProducsData() function of ProductsClass. We will call this method to get data in our consumer web site.
See this Web Service in browser and copy the URL of Web Service. We need this URL for service reference to consume this Web Service.
Open New Web Site
- Create an ASP.NET Empty Website either in Visual Basic or Visual C#
- Right click on the Website in Solution Explorer
- Select Add Service Reference
- Select Advanced option in Add Service Reference window
- Select Add Web Reference in Service Reference Settings
- Enter the copied URL in Add Web Reference window
- Change the Web reference name as DataBindWebService and click Add Reference
- Import namespace for the Web Service
using DataBindWebService;VB.NETImports DataBindWebService -
Drag and Drop a GridView in aspx page<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"></asp:GridView>
Write below code in Page_Load method of code behind fileC#
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {Service service = new Service();GridView1.DataSource = service.GetProducts();GridView1.DataBind();}VB.NET
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LoadDim service As New ServiceGridView1.DataSource = service.GetProducts()GridView1.DataBind()End SubCreate a new instance of Web Service and call the GetProducts() method. Bind the data to GridView. -
View website in browser, you will see the result of data bound Web Service method.
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